01452 700 340      admin@ashleworth.gloucs.sch.uk

'respected and nurtured for uniqueness'

Romans 12:6

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If you have a complaint……..

Ashleworth C of E Primary School is committed to providing the best education for our children and want our pupils to be healthy, happy, safe and to reach their full potential. We recognise the importance of establishing and maintaining good relationships with parents, carers and the wider community.

We understand that there might be occasions where people have concerns or complaints and our Complaints Policy below sets out the steps that should be followed in order to resolve these quickly and as informally as possible.

School governing bodies are required, under Section 29 of the Education Act 2002, to have in place a procedure for dealing with complaints. It is expected that all complaints will be referred to the school in the first instance. In situations where it has not been possible to settle a complaint through this process the LA may be able to advise all parties in order to help resolve difficulties, but will not become involved if the procedure is not followed as detailed in our Complaints Policy. 

pdf Complaints Policy