School Development Priorities
For the academic year 2022/23 we have identified the following development priorities. These priorities are discussed at our joint Teaching and Learning Committee meetings and at our full governing board meetings. Whilst we have 4 joint priorities for Churcham and Ashleworth C of E Primary, we are also working on school specific priorities alongside these.
Priority 1
Build upon previous work, to strengthen further, the leadership team ensuring that it is fully focused upon implementing and delivering strategies that will deliver the vision for our school.
Priority 2
Continue to improve educational standards by delivering a curriculum that ensures ALL pupils attain highly and reach their full potential. Subject focus for this year – Art, DT, PE & History
Priority 3
Provide an exceptional EYFS curriculum that ensures pupils are well prepared for transition from pre-school into YR and from YR to Y1.
Priority 4
Provide a highly-focused personal development programme that ensures pupils are prepared exceptionally well for their next steps.