Class 2 had a Stone-Age workshop recently, which was incredibly hands-on and engaging.
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A Stone-Age homo-sapien came in to wow the children, with their animalistic behaviour and strange language! They showed the children some of their weapons and tools and try to communicate with them without using a common language!
The children were able to take park in a 'Bones Investigation'- The children got a chance to handle a plethora of real animal bones and decided what they were and which animal they have come from. Cave Drawings was another activity set up by this workshop - Cave drawings were explored and then the children emulated these using chalk and charcoal on slate boards.
Tools/Weapons Making- Using knapped flint, sticks, twine and feathers, children made Stone-Age knives, spears, arrows, hammers, drills, axes and anything else they think up! And finally, their favourite activity: Hunting/Archery- Using safety arrows, the children got a chance to have a go at archery! The targets are common animals that the Stone-Age people hunted: wild boar, stags, pheasants, badgers and hares.